The Return of the Soda Syphon
Remember a time when every household had a Soda Syphon on their sideboards next to their whisky bottles or decanters? Since Sparklets ceased production in the early 1980s, soda syphons have been used as props in vintage style kitchens and bars or worse have gathered dust in people’s cupboards and garages, too beautiful to throw away but sadly not usable either. Now classic and vintage soda syphons, fully sanitised, polished, reconditioned and repaired are now gracing the smartest cocktail bars and cabinets once again.
The ‘home carbonator’, consisting of a sturdy bottle in either glass with protective metal mesh sleeve or the later metal bottle with a ‘head’ into which can be inserted a metal capsule filled with Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) was first conceived in the late 18th century. During the early - mid 20th century before the rise of the disposable plastic bottle of pop or the Wunderbar pipe, widely seen behind bars today, the soda syphon was incredibly popular with most households owning at least one. At the height of their fame, the beautiful mouth blown crystal glass soda syphons and later the metal versions were a fixture in all the fashionable bars in Europe the USA and throughout the British Empire. Now they are back. For more on the history of Sparklets Soda Syphons click on the link
Now with the focus on sustainability, the environmentally conscious owners of these beautiful additions to their home cocktail bar are further reducing their plastic footprint by to mixing their own home carbonated water with tonic and cola syrups and more. The CO2 capsules are widely available and 100% recyclable too. The great thing about the extra fizzy bubbles from these syphons means that your spirits don't get too diluted so you can get a really great tasting fizzy rum and coke, Aperol Spritz, gin and tonic and of course that whisky and soda. Your recycling bin will be much lighter too.
Acqua Spumante (meaning fizzy water!) offers beautifully reconditioned entire soda syphons in both glass and metal. There is a gift wrap and wooden box gift option too. Or, if you already own a non-working syphon, they can simply recondition your metal or plastic ‘head’ and in a week or so your syphon will be working once again. In 2022 Acqua Spumante will be offering a complete glass syphon renovation service including re – chrome (or silver) plating of both ‘head’ and mesh. For more information and to register your interest in any of these services, please visit the website.